Carmack on Quake 5: Back to Cthulhu-ish Quake

Another re-imagining looms

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Carmack on Quake 5: Back to Cthulhu-ish Quake
Could it be? Could it be that new things are the new old things and old things are the new, new things? It could. This is what John Carmack has to say about a Quake 5.

"We are at least tossing around the possibilities of going back to the bizarre, mixed up Cthulhu-ish Quake 1 world and rebooting that direction." That's right. But why?

"We think that would be a more interesting direction than doing more Strogg stuff after Quake 4." Certainly, what could be even more interesting would be an entirely new, not already tried direction.

Source: Eurogamer


Cfan 17 Jun 2011 19:31
First D00M 4 is meant to be returning to classic roots, and now this?

y e s .
deleted 20 Jun 2011 21:01
John Carmack & new in the same sentence don't work seriously the only way i got this one to work was by injecting lots and lots of gigapixels...
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