As the investors gather to pick the bones from the now bankrupt SNK, the company has released a message to its fans:
“Dear All NEOGEO fans/customers,
It is with deepest grief that in the autumn of 2001, SNK will close the company history in its business. It was all of your favour and encouragement which made our passion running to make better games for SNK fans. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank and everyone of you for your continuous help and assistance rendered to SNK since its incorporation in Japan July in 1978. Without your support, SNK Corporation would not have been possible throughout 23 years of operation. With all our heart-felt gratitude, thank you once again!”
In other news, Eolith has announced that it has licensed the King of Fighters property and will be releasing King of Fighters 2002 next year.
Hopefully we will see other companies carrying more games in the SNK game series forward. It’s rumoured that Blazing Star, Metal Slug, Samurai Shodown and Last Blade will all see some kind of resurrection under a new company