Bioware Forum Ban Also Denies Actual Game and DLC to Gamer

It's official - slag off Bioware, lose the ability to play

Posted by Staff
Bioware Forum Ban Also Denies Actual Game and DLC to Gamer
A gamer called Arno posted a message on the Bioware forum. It was a little bit hurtful if you've got extremely thin skin. His forum account was suspended. Then he discovered that his ability to play Bioware games had also gone.

He explained that, "On EA Live Chat they told me that that I said: "Have you sold your souls to the EA devil?" (This is a quote, don't suspend me again)

Now, those are the words I said, you can't argue with that. I'm not going to try and sugarcoat that, let me just say in my defense, I have always been a pretty reasonable person on this forum. So I agree that you guys suspended my account from the forums for 72 hours. Btw, this is the first time I got suspended."

He continues, "What I don't agree with is that I can't activate my new DA2 game."

Why couldn't he, Forum mod, Stanley Woo responds:

"Please review the EA Community Terms of Service, particularly sections #9 and #11. There are two levels of enforcement here:

1. BioWare community bans are forum-only and can be for as little as 24 hours. These bans should have no effect on your game, only your ability to use all the features of this website/community. these bans are handed out by BioWare Moderators as the result of our travels around the forum and/or issues reported by fellow community members.

2. EA Community bans come down from a different department and are the result of someone hitting the REPORT POST button. These bans can affect access to your game and/or DLC.

Because the BioWare community now operates under the same umbrella as all EA Communities, community members here have all explicitly agreed to abide by and be governed by both sets of rules. Consider it an added incentive to follow the rules you say you're going to follow."

As you can see from Stanley's post - pictured in this story - his sign off is "Be excellent to each other".


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