Majority of Mass Effect 2 Protagonists Not Chicks

Not so much love for the female population in RPG

Posted by Staff
Majority of Mass Effect 2 Protagonists Not Chicks
A recent factsheet has revealed that given the choice between a male and female protagonist, the majority of players of the title Mass Effect 2 chose to stick with the male gender. As much as 82% of them, actually.

The stats. record the percentage of those who created the game's protagonist Shepherd in their own vision (83%), those who chose the male variation of the character (82%) with the remaining 18% covering those who preferred their main character in female form.

The records also show that the Soldier class was the most popular at 65%, Archangel was one of the most popular squad members selected by players for missions and that only 50% of players had fully upgraded their ship come the game's end.

Also slightly trivial and interesting to note is that two PC players of Mass Effect 2 fin shed the game a whopping 28 times and four Xbox 360 players finished their copies of the game an amazing 23 times.

Talk bout unwavering dedication!

But playing as chap when you have the opportunity to play as a lass? That's plain strange.

Via myGaming


Daz 24 Nov 2010 16:28
But playing as chap when you have the opportunity to play as a lass? That's plain strange.

it is at that, I always choose female if I have the choice, and on games where you pick a class like mage or warrior (like Dragon age) I tend to go for the magic users, but on games like FFVII I choose the "hit it with a sword until it dies" approach
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