"New" Bioware Game to Appeal to Call of Duty Market

Not project Wombat then

Posted by Staff
Your momma
Your momma
BioWare was getting a new game teased for it by the Spike TV Video Game Awards folks. It turns out that it won't be an exciting and game-changing new IP. It'll be the multiplayer-heavy version of Mass Effect that BioWare Montreal is working on.

Project Wombat, by the way, was a Mass Effect 3 project teased earlier in the year.

According to Kotaku, the new Mass Effect game is "not a massively multiplayer online version of BioWare's sci-fi RPG series, but a game that's designed to appeal more to the Call of Duty market...

"We're told to expect player progression in the vein of Activision's wildly popular online shooter along with some sort of single-player component that does not feature Mass Effect's Commander Shepard in a leading role."

Oh good, Call of Duty with more talking or Mass Effect with less space.


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