Star Wars Kinect due next Christmas

Another E3 "Wow Factor" claim goes into next year

Posted by Staff
Star Wars Kinect due next Christmas
The BBC's Newsbeat held a small interview with the creative director of Kinect, Kudo Tsunoda, to find out what the device was all about. Tsunoda pointed out that the highly anticipated Star Wars title for the controller is still high anticipated.

Asked what's in store (for Kinect) in 2011, Tsunoda replied that Microsoft has a Kinect Star Wars game due for the Holidays... of 2011.

He added that he can easily imagine players becoming a Jedi via the control method of Kinect and really allow you to feel engrossed in the gameplay experience as a result. Tusnoda also mentioned that racing game series Forza will receive a Kinect iteration which sounds equally interesting and will cater for the core audience of the motion controller.

Asked as to how much of a rival the Playstation Move was, Tsunoda replied that he doesn't like to get weighed down with comparing and contrasting every company's experience (with motion control). He reiterated that what Kinect offers is genuinely unique and can't be replicated not just on any other console but in any other medium right now.

Bold words from Mr. Tsunoda. Does the prospect of a fully motion-controllable Star Wars title get you excited? We at the SPOnG offices are definitely interested in seeing what game will come as a result of this and "if you were to strike us down now, we'll become more powerful than you can ever imagine!"; or something like that.

Source: BBC


ohms 10 Nov 2010 13:28

Excite me, it does not.
Del 10 Nov 2010 16:36
He pointed out that the highly anticipated title is highly anticipated. How shrewd. With a brain like that behind Kinect, how can it fail!
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