Kojima Hinting at Huge Weekend Announce

Tweeting the news... in an announcement-announcement.

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Kojima Hinting at Huge Weekend Announce
Games news website Andriasang has noticed an interesting tweet from Hideo Kojima's Twitter which they have gone to the trouble of translating.

The translation of the tweet reads:

"Typhoon 4. It looks like it won't have an effect on the weekend. Thank goodness! However, my health is bad. Prior to TGS, we'll have a big announcement (?) on Saturday or Sunday, so I must recover."

Which was later followed up with:

"ZOE3 and so forth -- it's not that big an announcement. However, I think you will be happy."

The ever ambiguous and intriguing Kojima-san, what do you have up your sleeves this time? Let us know what you think the announcement will be by commenting below.

SOURCE:Kojima's Twitter via Andriasang


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