Mass Effect 3's Project Wombat Begins

Twitter teaser sparks hot speculation.

Posted by Staff
Mass Effect 3's Project Wombat Begins
Mass Effect 2 is out and people are loving the whole 'Empire Strikes Back' nature of Sheperd's intergalactic plight. But now attention is on the final chapter in the trilogy, with BioWare's Senior Technical Designer mentioning a feature called "Project Wombat."

Christina Norman posted on Twitter; "ME3 Trivia: Today I started work on 'Project Wombat' for Mass Effect 3," leaving everyone and his dog to speculate exactly what that could entail. Maybe there's a clue in the project title? Don't count on it, says Norman.

"Wow a lot of speculation on what Project Wombat is. Sorry I can't say! I can say the name has nothing to do with the project," she adds soon after being bombarded with questions.

The designer notes that the ammo system in Mass Effect 2 was titled "Project Sasquatch", so "Wombat" could involve anything from HUD design and world creation to the shininess of Sheperd's space boots.

We shouldn't have long to wait, as more hints and details are certain to come out of BioWare soon enough. The way it's going, though, it'll be in a drip-feed format. Aggravating or exciting? You decide.


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