Tomonobu Itagaki's New Studio - Valhalla

Drops hints of new project in Japanese magazine.

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Tomonobu Itagaki's New Studio - Valhalla
Outspoken shades-wearing developer Tomonobu Itagaki has spoken to Japanese mag Famitsu about his new game studio, and dropped a few hints about his first project.

After a litigation process with Tecmo that ended recently, it now seems the Dead or Alive creator is ready to wax lyrical again - his new outfit is called Valhalla Game Studios, and is currently manned by 50 people. Itagaki will take a more administrative role as Chief Technical Officer, with ex-Tecmo's Satoru Kanematsu heading the team's work.

The self-proclaimed rockstar has plans to expand the studio, but said he doesn't want to have a "mega-studio" with hundreds of people. About his new game, Itagaki was coy however - "I won't say where we are right now, but I believe it will be a little bit like nothing anyone has ever seen."

Hm... Ninja Gaiden with Vikings perhaps? We'd pay to see that!

Via Kotaku


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