BioWare Locks Down Gay & Lesbian Gamer Chat

Readers claim moderators "taking a tad too much liberty".

Posted by Staff
As a man interested in men, would you date this man?
As a man interested in men, would you date this man?
BioWare seems to be giving the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community a bunch of mixed messages. While its games quite openly allow same-sex relationships to occur, the studio has issued restrictions on its forum members from discussing the subject.

Ars Technica notes that BioWare fans are having their topics locked for “the most minute reasons”, with one reader claiming that “moderators are taking a tad too much liberty with their ability to close topics.”

Some gay members have posted topics wondering why Mass Effect 2 does not let you establish a male/male relationship, only to see moderators “say that the discussion of same-sex romances in the general forums is considered spoiler material.”

Topics such as this one, however, appear to start off amicable enough before descending into gay-bashing chaos. Perhaps BioWare is simply trying to avoid potential conflict in its forum, but if the moderators are finding dubious reasons to lock fan discussion, it may leave a bitter taste in the mouths of the most loyal.

BioWare has yet to issue an explanation for the moderator actions.


deleted 2 Feb 2010 11:23
What about the Transexual and Cross Dressing Community?
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