Publisher MumboJumbo has won a legal battle against PopCap Games over the sale and distribution of the former business partner's products. It was found that PopCap had breached a 2006 contract which allowed MumboJumbo to publish its games in North America.
A Texan court jury agreed that, despite the agreement, PopCap began marketing and selling its games on its own. Lawyers for MumboJumbo provided evidence that its ex-partner also attempted to damage its business relationship with a key retailer, showing emails containing false and misleading statements. It was ruled that PopCap had committed fraud and tortious interference to this end.
“The law allows you to do plenty of things to be successful in business,” said Marty Rose, an attorney of MumboJumbo representative Rose Walker. “However, it does not allow you to commit fraud or interfere with a company's business relationships. The jury's verdict is a clear signal that this type of business conduct is not going to be tolerated.”
“We were brought into this case at the last minute,” says attorney Mike Richardson of Rose Walker, who represented MumboJumbo. "And it is incredibly rewarding to be able to help a client in need." Always good to get help from your friendly neighbourhood lawyer-men.
A separate hearing is to be made to decide attorney's fees to add to the $4.6 million damages total.