Kojima Back to his Old Tricks Again

Doesn't have to be him who does Metal Gear.

Posted by Staff
Kojima Back to his Old Tricks Again
Hideo Kojima, he's a genius at making video games but he's also a right proper tease. First he won't be working on any new Metal Gear games, then he will. Now, he's not even sure if the next one will have him working on it or that it'll be made in Japan.

We hate to say that this attitude is reminiscent of a high-maintenance partner who doesn't know if they want to go to the pub or the wine bar but...

Anyway, he's recently told Kotaku that, "It doesn't have to be me who makes it (the next Metal Gear). It could be somebody young that maybe has more abilities than I do..."

He then proceeds to deliver a smack in the face to people like Capcom's Keiji Inafune but stating, "It would even be good if a foreign production team even did it."

Well, if Inafune's right, Kojima might have to outsource.


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