Uncharted 2 Gets Release Date

Not delayed at all.

Posted by Staff
Uncharted 2 Gets Release Date
Unlike what appears to be every single game aside from Modern Warfare 2 being delayed, it's good to see that Naughty Dog's PS3 exclusive, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves will be coming out this year.

The news is that Sony has confirmed that the game will reach Europe on October 16th, with the USA getting it a day before.

We're thoroughly enjoying our look at it.


JaredT 22 Sep 2009 15:45
Hey, at least Borderlands is due out this year too. And this with Modern Warfare 2 is making the PS3 the ideal online gaming spot this holiday season.

[22 Sep 2009, 17:24: Message edited by 'TimSpong'] hey! More of your Spam. Guess what!? We read our Forum. If you want to advertise, do it so that the people you're using as a vehicle benefit as well.
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