PS3 'Slim' Spotted at Batman Dev

Blurry clue?

Posted by Staff
PS3 'Slim' Spotted at Batman Dev
German site, VideogamesZone, has made a good spot regarding the heavily-tipped PS3 Slim. A blurred out unit appears on the desk (at 1:36 in the video below) of a Rocksteady developer during a making of Arkham Asylum vid.

So, in the lead-up to GameCom in Cologne, we now have a three-hour Sony presentation which, according to a billion unconfirmed sources, will have:

- PS3 Slim.
- PS3 'Phat' price cut.
- PS3 Firmware 3.0
- Sir Howard Stringer and Bobby Kotick from Activision to stage a cage fight.

Watch the video:



config 10 Aug 2009 13:06
LOL. I'll wager they're blurred out to disguise whether they develop on 360 or PS3.

If these were slim PS3s, they look terribly rectanguloid underneath that blurring. ZOMG! They're PS2 hooked up to a huge compiler farm!?!?!

Supposing slim PS3s were kicking around, why would Sony be shipping multiple skinny dev units to developers that probably already have fat dev units? Unless skinny != fat compatible! EXCLUSIVE! PS3 skinny not compatible with PS3 fat
xD 11 Aug 2009 07:02
Stringer and Kotick fight would be epic like Kirk Vs Spock - Stringer would win although knowing Kotick hed probably use prison rules and over charge people for the pleasure of watching
Piranha 11 Aug 2009 08:50
Hate to bring you all down on this one, but that is not even a devkit and is more than likely a PS3 test kit - full size. The reason they would blur the console is obvious. This video will no doubt be shown on both PSN and Xbox Live and both platform holders have rules in place stating that other console images/logos etc are not allowed to be shown either in videos or in game...... Slow news week anyone?!?!
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