Apple iPhone Mass Effect Rewards Xbox 360 Gamers

Mass rewards basically

Posted by Staff
Apple iPhone Mass Effect Rewards Xbox 360 Gamers
Despite not being the greatest iPhone game (or any game, let's be honest), Mass Effect Jacob's Story... sorry, Mass Effect Galaxy could be an excellent sales tool for both EA's website and for Mass Effect 2.

"Your reward for completing the game is already waiting for you in Mass Effect 2", says the iPhone game on completion.

In order to make sure you get your 'reward' you need to login to EA with with your EA details... and then, of course, buy Mass Effect 2 when it arrives next year and, you've got to hope, you will reap huge awesomeness.

Now, whether those staunch Mass Effect fans who don't own iPhones (it's a Microsoft platform exclusive remember) will feel quite so chuffed that Apple product owners are getting rewarded is a question that will surely be answered within a metric s-storm of Internet posts.


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