You know, if we're honest - and we always are - we were never expecting to see
Resident Evil 5 out on Nintendo's Wii. Possibly the PS2 would have been a good plan, but not the Wii. So, it came as little surprise to see Masachika Kawata, a producer of
Resident Evil 5, telling Xbox World:
"Even the title screen of this couldn't have been done on PS2 or Wii".
But don't feel too sad, Wii people, because Juntake Uchi, (another producer on
Resident Evil 5) explains to
"We really like the Wii. We think it's a wonderful piece of hardware. We are definitely thinking about ways we can bring the Resident Evil series to the Wii, but it could be a couple of years down the road just yet."
So, maybe some survival horror
ResiEvil style next decade?