The opening ceremony at the Beijing Olympic games was - by all accounts - quite spectacular
*. Especially the bit where Chinese gymnast Li Ning apparently jogged towards the torch despite being suspended more than 70 metres aloft.
The picture to the right shows him. It also shows an enormous Blue Screen of Death, a familiar sight to
Quake gamers. More interestingly, it shows that BSOD running - or not running - on Windows XP rather than the more up-to-date Vista operating system.
According to Lenovo chairman, Yang Yuanqing, quoted in
The Sydney Morning Herald, "If it's not stable, it could have some problems".
We wonder how ex-Microsoft CEO, Bill Gates - who was watching from the stands - felt about the whole thing.
And before you ask what the game reference is to this tale - it's the Olympic Game, isn't it!
Source: SMHWe didn't see it because we were all playing Zoolympics on the Oric.