Hey, you remember
Pictochat yes? That free wifi picture drawing program that 'ver kids use to share drawings of cocks with each other on the school bus?
Well what about a game that involved bringing together that type of thing together with the popular parlour game
Yes – it’s so bleedingly obvious it seems it’s actually taken a while for somebody to make it so.
Japanese DS developer Skip has created comedy-based picture-drawing game called
Arukime DS, for two to four players.
The game doesn’t sound like it is ‘strictly’ pictionary, although it is incredibly similar, with one player posing a question and the other players drawing funny doodles by way of answering.
You can see some people playing the game here. Apparently the funniest answers win points in the form of cushions.
Cuh! Japan eh? Whatever next? DS Monopoly? (Quick, get me Hasbro Toys on line one. NOW! – Ed).
(Source: Kotaku.com)