UK industry journal,
MCV reports that following
Sony’s unveiling of its online vision with PlayStation Home at GDC this week, the inevitable critique arrives from its main competitor in the new-gen gaming market, Microsoft.
Microsoft's Chris Satchell (pictured) told a reporter that he didn’t think the Home strategy was, "a very game-centric approach", adding, "I think they've definitely taken some concepts that we originated like achievements, but I think they're pushing in a different direction and we've sort of fundamentally got two different approaches going on here."
"I think theres is very much a vision that people see it and it looks cool but it's fundamentally separate from the games - or at least what they've shown so far."
To sweeten the blow, a little, Satchell also said, "I think
Little Big Planet [pictured below] is very cool…But I can't see a big portfolio of games at the moment that do this. I don't think there's a whole load to catch up."
Source: MCV