Rise of the Triads Gets New Multiplayer Trailer

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Rise of the Triads Gets New Multiplayer Trailer
Call of Duty? Pah. Everybody knows that the PC gave birth to real twitch-based gaming - shooters so fast-paced that they'd melt your brain. So it's nice to see that Apogee and Interceptor's remake of Rise of the Triads brings that retro insanity back into its multiplayer mode. Of which there is a video.

A video lasting 18 minutes, that is. It's pre-release gameplay, but it gives you a good idea of what to expect when fragging foes in classic-themed arenas. Rise of the Triad fans from yesteryear will recognise a few of the guns and level gimmicks as well. Ah, nostalgia.

Another video gives you a more leisurely look at one of the multiplayer stages in the game. Take a peek and see what you think.



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