Comcast, HBO and MLB Beef Up Xbox Live TV Lineup

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Comcast, HBO and MLB Beef Up Xbox Live TV Lineup
Microsoft has announced the launch of several new TV apps for the Xbox 360 - Comcast Infinity, HBO Go and The arrival of these services coincide with the revelation that Xbox Live users are spending more time watching video and listening to music than they are playing multiplayer games.

HBO Go and Comcast Infinity have some extra strings attached - users will need to be subscribed to their respective services in order to be used on the Xbox 360 - but it marks a willingness by cable providers to deliver content beyond their own devices.

So with Comcast Infinity, you're basically getting a US equivalent of Sky on Xbox 360. HBO Go will give you Game of Thrones, and will sort you out with baseball stuff. All excellent additions to the current roster of TV apps, we think you'll agree.


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