European adhoc Party Could Arrive Next Tuesday

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European adhoc Party Could Arrive Next Tuesday
So, what’s happened to this adhoc Party application for the PS3 that we’ve heard so much about? Released in 2008 in Japan and 19th November in the US, Europe has yet to see the program, which allows PSP users to play adhoc multiplayer games online using a PS3 connection.

But, if word on the SCEE PlayStation Blog is to be believed, we could be seeing it appear just before Christmas. PlayStation Store Team member Mike Kebby posted within a comment section that adhoc Party could see light of day on the 22nd December.

“Providing everything goes okay, we should see it release on the 22nd of Dec,” Kebby writes in a PS.Blog comment.

The PlayStation Store updates on a Thursday traditionally, but as next Thursday is Christmas Eve, proceedings are being moved to the Tuesday (22nd) instead. Hopefully we’ll see a bumper stocking-full of digital content to complement adhoc Party as well.


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