No More Crappy Movie Games for Marvel

Posted by Staff
No More Crappy Movie Games for Marvel
Marvel Executive Vice President of Global Digital Media Group, Ira Rubenstein, has told joystiq:

"We are not doing movie-based games any more. Actually, wait ... we are not doing crappy movie-based games any more. You can quote me on that."

Apparently the company is still working on Iron Man 2. Though Rubenstein apparently asked not be blamed for Iron Man: The Video Game.



neils_den 21 Aug 2009 09:45
Yeah, right. Believe that *if* it ever happens.

Some reckon the rights to such games cost too much to allow decent production values, or that the deadlines restrict developers too much.

Me? I think they are opportunist money-grabbers, out to milk kids for whatever they can get. They'll sell a bucketload of Iron Man or whatever.

Sadly they can't seem to grasp that if there's a *good* movie licence game, then it would sell more - and would bring more credibility to the industry.
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