Least. Festive. SPOnG Zeitgeist post. EVER. This is the SPOnG Zeitgeist, in which we take you on a quick tour of what's been on gamers' minds, what itches they've needed scratching - what's been attracting the most attention on the Mighty SPOnG Database in 2012.
And today we have... survival horror.
LUCIUS is a PC/Mac game. Yes, console owner, PC/Mac gamers need information about games too. This one saw modest interest until October, then it exploded. The fact that we put new screens up for it on October 2nd is not a coincidence.

Gamescom 2012
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct (PS3, Xbox 360)
No, not
that Walking Dead game. While we were all busy agreeing that Telltale Games' point and click adventure based on the
Walking Dead comics is an absolute darling, Activision and developer Terminal Reality were busy cooking up their own survival horror based exclusively on the TV show. The announcement didn't even mention comic creators Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard and Tony Moore. The attention here was short and sweet, with a spike coming a week after the game was announced.
Resident Evil 6 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
Resident Evil 6... there's no trend to report, actually. We have a graph and it looks like some sort of ice cave from At the Mountains of Madness, or the heart-rate of a Star Wars fan at a metal bikini expo. There are spikes everywhere.
The rest of the survival horror Top 10:
Dead Space 3 (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)
The Darkness II (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation, N64, Dreamcast, PC, GameCube)
Resident Evil 4 (GameCube, Xbox, PS2, PC, Wii)
AMY (PS3, Xbox 360)
Alan Wake (PC, Xbox 360)
Silent Hill: Downpour (Xbox 360, PS3)
Don't forget to check out SPOnG's previous zeitgeist rundowns.