Mizuguchi shows Xbox 360 Ninety Nine Nights: First screen!

Music and art out!

Posted by Staff
Fresh out of the recently-concluded Xbox 360 Summit, held in Tokyo this morning, comes this image of Tetsuya Mizuguchi’s Ninety Nine Nights, the until-now top secret project in development at Q Entertainment.

Reports suggest that Q is going to the first company to make a serious attempt at denting Koei’s stranglehold on the ‘Ancient Far East Massive Super Battle’ genre and from what we hear from our ears to the ground, it's shaping up very well.

Expect more details and images as they break.


fluffstardx 25 Jul 2005 20:22
:jaw hits floor:
LUPOS 25 Jul 2005 22:10
fluffstardx wrote:
:jaw hits floor:

yes, its obvious the 360 is severly underpowered.. i mean its just like an xbox with more polygons... about 100 times more polygons!!

also.. i had seen that first screen in about 50 magazines... the bottom one is new... aught to specify befre the whiners show up and acuse you of lying again.
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