Q Entertainment has released a stunning high definition trailer of it's Phantogram co-developed hack 'n' slash Ninety Nine Nights, which you can see by
clicking here. It's a massive file and is beautifully presented but don't worry as it's sat on a Microsoft server as fat as any former Sega fansite creator and streams beautifully.
We watched the video in order to write some snappy prose to go with its presentation on this page. However, we kind of drifted off as soon as it started playing. The first time we watched, we definitely thought that the in-game bits looked dead good. Then it ended and we discovered we were thinking about what types of food you can buy on a stick. Candy floss, corndogs, kebabs and lollipops we had listed.
So we ran it again. This time we noticed how much Japanese people will probably like Ninety Nine Nights because it's a bit like Dynasty Warriors and they really like that from what we could tell. Then it ended again and we were thinking about the
BenQ Joybee EG10.So we watched it again and realised that the only two points we could make, we'd already made. Though luckily on the third watch, we remembered the release date, currently set for April 20th.
Of course, as a pretentious website, we're not allowed to say that Ninety Nine Nights looks kind of boring and a bit rubbish. You see, it's made by Tetsuya Mizuguchi. And he made Rez, a game in which a stickman shoots things in time to music. And we have to pretend to see genius in Rez because a cabal of writers on pretentious games rags and websites have decreed it to be the case. We do actually really like Rez, especially the version with the
free vibrating sex toy. We even considered buying the version with the free 'Trance Vibrator' sex toy add-on from CEX, but the idea of buying second-hand sex toys kind of put us off a little...
We digress. Taking all of this into account, it looks as though Ninety Nine Nights will be the best game of all time. It's made by the acclaimed genius behind Rez, Tetsuya Mizuguchi afterall.
At least we understood