Microsoft is a big company. A lot of people work there, many of them involved with the Xbox 360 project. Some of them are entrusted with Xbox 360 hardware, able to take it home to complete vital elements of pre-production testing. Some might even show it to their stepchildren. What's the point of having a cool videogame job if you don't share it with your loved ones?
Of course, sometimes this all goes wrong. Like in this example for instance. Seemingly, a (presumably) senior tester based in Seattle brought home an Xbox 360 and showed it to his stepson. Then went away on a business trip to Mexico, land of Valium, tequila and kidnapping. He left a pre-production unit in the charge of his cookooboy who promptly took pictures of himself playing Halo 2 on it (giving the world a first glimpse of backwards-compatibility in action) and wrote a sub-dyslexic essay on his thoughts, reproduced below.
At some point his Stepfather tester got wind of this, probably by way of being fired, and the information and images were ripped down from GameSpot's forum. Though, via the magic of browser caching, here they are. We also thought it appropriate to include the boy's impressions, in memory of his fingers which have no doubt now been snapped off:
my step dad works here in seattle for xbox hes the forgein tester guy. He had a trip to mexico to test the new xbox so he had to bring it home and he let me play it. There arnt any xbox360 games yet i guess so all i got to play was halo 2. but all the test stuff was on there like dolphin and light shadow stuff, Oh and the XBOX dashboard . I uesto hATE xbox purley a PS fan. but WOW new xbox has some COol stuff. First i tried dolphin witch doesnt have liek GOOD grapics or anything its just a frame test and the xbox was geting 3000+ frames witch was pretty stuinning for me. and the Xbox dashboard is amazing im not aloud to tell everything about it but WOW theres soo much crap on the xbox and some of it is sooO miscelanius. theres xbox arcade were u can Dl like arcade games and crap and u can stream music from ur PC to ur xbox and tons and tons and tons of other crap. I just thought id post about it, ps3 is definatly guna have some compitition. IM SURE all of u have probably read stuff like this on sites but OH one more thing im not supposed tell this, but the power supply conecter thing for the xbox, lets just say its not COMPACT, witch might be why u havnt seen it in any pics. thats all for now post some feedback.