Sacrifice Your Consoles

Sacrifice is possibly one of the most anticipated PC games of the year.

Posted by Staff
Sacrifice Your Consoles
The gameplay ideas and innovations are set to make this title an absolute must have. Sacrifice is an action-based, real-time strategy game from Messiah creators Shiny Entertainment. One to four players will be able to use powerful wizards to control armies of creatures. What makes Sacrifice stand out is the way you can play this game. There are five Gods to pledge allegiance to and depending on what you do in-game, you will either please or anger the Gods.

Bearing in mind that Gods battle each other and there are enormous power struggles occurring all the time. This is going to be one amazing game. You must sacrifice your enemies to your God in order to receive mana. By destroying your enemies you can steal their souls and bring your army of demons to life.

The landscapes are controlled by the Gods themselves and represent new levels of graphical complexity and beauty. A high-spec PC with a will be required to get the most out the game visually. A 3D accelerator with at least 8 Megabytes of ram is part of the minimum requirements. This is a good indication of the level of detail and the shear size of the worlds. It is possible to destroy the scenery through the use of spells or create new sections in real-time to help your plight. Spells can also affect the weather within the game, so watch out for tornadoes and other natural obstacles. Thanks to the graphical power of the next-generation consoles, handling such a complex game as Sacrifice, should be no problem. One of the main difficulties in designing a PC game is making the game playable on a multitude of different hardware and software configurations that is constantly changing and evolving. With Playstation 2 and X-box, developers don't have this problem, so they can concentrate on getting the most out of the respective machines.

Although Sacrifice is a strategy game, it only uses a streamlined resource management system as opposed to technology trees as used in games like Command and Conquer. The emphasis is on action and combat. By winning battles, new resources become available to use. The multi-player options are mouth watering; the infinite possibilities of on-line play means that the playing experience will never be the same twice.

Each player in Sacrifice has their own altar, which they must guard at all times. Should anything happen to your base, it's game over. This adds an interesting twist to the gameplay mechanics because you need to be in two places at the same time. One of the best features of Sacrifice will be the built-in level editor. By using the same tools as the developers, you will be able to customise the look and feel of the game to your own preference.


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