Blinx 2 Timewarps Onto Xbox

Microsoft masters the fifth dimension?

Posted by Staff
Blinx 2 Timewarps Onto Xbox
Whilst SPOnG is still struggling to come up with a proper definition for the fourth dimension, Microsoft Game Studios has gone and introduced a fifth one. Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space is, according to the press release, “the world’s first 5-D game, giving players control over both time and space.”

The sequel to the disappointing Xbox platformer will return to the same fundamental gameplay as before, with Blinx the cat solving puzzles by warping time. This time around, the player will also be able to take control of the enemy pigs, which, as common knowledge dictates, are great at stealth-based missions. And if players aren’t happy with the form that Mother Nature has given to cats and pigs, there’s plenty of opportunity to customise Blinx and his porcine nemeses so that they look slightly different.

A multiplayer mode has also been confirmed, although it is not yet known as to whether it will be Live! enabled. Further details are sure to come to light ahead of its Christmas 2004 release date, so stay tuned.


Viclo 17 Jun 2004 17:39
"Whilst SPOnG is still struggling to come up with a proper definition for the fourth dimension..."

The fourth dimesion is time...literally speaking...

But don't think that the first Blinx was god awful, but I agree that it needs a lot of work. It was kind of fun, but I'd expect more from a first party developer. Hopefully this time around it'll be an all around better experience. I wouldn't mind controlling those little piggies either. Buahaha

Mecha Ghandi 17 Jun 2004 19:04

"The fourth dimesion is time...literally speaking..."

Philosophically speaking, I would contest that... The literal meaning of dimension implies spatial relevance, and time doesn't occupy space.

Or maybe it does, who am I to say...

*strokes chin and stares skywards in meaningful way*

But I do agree that the first Blinx game had some nice ideas (which Prince Of Persia has since done properly), so hopefully they might do the sequel proud.

more comments below our sponsor's message
Pandaman 17 Jun 2004 21:11
Take control of the enemy pigs? I just want to take control of the damn camera!
config 18 Jun 2004 09:10
Alan Poole wrote:

>Take control of the enemy pigs? I just want to
>take control of the damn camera!


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