NES Remix 2 Gets Championship Mode Nostalgia Kick - Video

Plus: new screens

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NES Remix 2 will get a Championship Mode, recalling the Nintendo World Championship event that took place in the deep history of gaming (1990).

Nintendo explains it as follows: "Championship Mode challenges players to achieve the highest cumulative score in three specific games using a multiplier-based scoring system, with players required to have save data from the first NES Remix in order to enjoy this competitive new feature.

"With the Championship Mode line-up comprising of Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3 and Dr. Mario, players will take on a series of three successive score-based challenges in these games to achieve a cumulative total score. In addition, your score can also be posted to Miiverse, so you can compete with friends and other players."

Like its predecessor, NES Remix 2 brings together challenges from the likes of Kid Icarus, Kirby’s Adventure and Metroid. There will be levels from the original games with new challenges thrown in, as well as stages that have been modified to spice things up. The game's due out on April 25th for Wii U via the eShop.

As well as the video below, we've got new screens in the gallery.



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