EA Apologises to Nintendo

"EA: unacceptable/stupid" says Peter Moore

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EA Apologises to Nintendo
What happens when a perfectly reasonable April Fools' joke offend corporate giantism? Do the giants - in this case, Electronic Arts and Nintendo - get over it, or even see some sense in the satire? Nah. It's grovelling time.

Despite not being that visibly supportive of the Wii U by actually bringing games to that platform, EA's COO Peter Moore felt the need to apologies for an April Fool's gag featuring Half-Life 3 and the Wii U.

"Frostbite will power #HalfLife3, coming out summer 2014! #WiiU exclusive"

That's what one, now deleted Tweet from EA said on April 1st. That was followed by:

"Frostbite now runs on the #WiiU since it is the most powerful Gen4 platform, our renderer is now optimized for Mario and Zelda"

Peter Moore must have had a phone call from Mr Iwata because boy did he go apology crazy, Tweeting, "Our apologies to partners @NintendoAmerica & fan @FrostbiteEngine ’s poor attempt at April Fools not condoned by EA : unacceptable/ stupid"

On the one hand, nice and polite. On the other hand, how about more games for Wii U?


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