Xbox One Day One Patch is HUGE

Microsoft fesses up to the fact that they forgot to pack a few things...

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Xbox One Day One Patch is HUGE
Marc Whitten, Xbox One Chief Platform Architect has been answering questions regarding to imminent launch of his little hardware baby. One answer is going to make people not living in areas of decent broadband very, very sad indeed.

When asked about how long the Day 1 Patch would take to download - a soft question, his answer was not only vague but at the same time staggering.

Yes, he wasn't asked 'How big' but 'How long' and not even 'How long over a 10Mbps connection'. So his answer is largely pointless.

"We are optimizing Xbox One so that the day one update is as fast as possible. While we’re still finalizing the details, we expect that the download will take between 15 and 20 minutes for most users," he says. It's nonsense unless 'most users' in the UK have the same Internet access as most users in the USA or India or... you get the idea.

Source: IGN



Daz 1 Oct 2013 14:31
I'll wait 'til it's patched out of the box
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