Houser - Making of GTA V Like Apocalypse Now

"In that realm of excitement and misery at the same time."

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Houser - Making of GTA V Like Apocalypse Now
Sam Houser - the driving force behind GTA V has compared the making of the upcoming blockbuster to the making of Apocalypse Now in its highs and lows.

Houser, who only seems to talk to the press when a GTA is about to be released, explained that "We've all seen Hearts of Darkness (the film about the troubled making of Apocalypse Now) in which actors were changed and had heart attacks, funding ran dry and mortgages were put on the line, and the army and airforce of a military junta were used.

"We're definitely in that realm of excitement and misery at the same time. It's not supposed to be easy. Each time, we push everything to its limit. I don't think it's conscious, but it's sort of how it has to be. It has to hurt more. You want to find a (Colonel) Kurtz (character) every time."

He goes on to speak about attacks aimed at Rockstar over the years of Grand Theft Auto, in specific, the "Hot Coffee scandal" that saw Rockstar being lambasted by US governors and finding themselves facing severe charges in court.

He says that "Life ground to a halt, It's just vote-winning, and they don't care if they ruin your life, because these people are thinking on a macro level. If there's a little bit of collateral damage, it doesn't matter, does it?"

He went on to state that GTA V is "a game that is commenting all the things that are going on in the world, good, bad and indifferent. If that doesn't show the emergence of the medium, then I don't know what does."

What do you guys think on the whole situation? And more to the point, how are you coping with the anticipation of GTA V?



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