Following the announcement of its third quarter results, 3DO announced that it will be releasing eight games for Nintendo’s GameCube system. The new titles, due out this year, will be based on 3DO’s franchises Cubix: Robots for Everyone, Jonny Moseley Mad Trix and, (please feel free to cheer now) Army Men!
Trip Hawkins, 3DO’s legendary overlord said "The hardware base of new platforms grew substantially over the holidays, and will account for the vast majority of our product releases and revenues going forward. With lower spending levels in place, a market that is growing dramatically, and a strong slate of new games in solid brands, we expect significantly improved results in our next fiscal year. We are especially excited about the GameCube because of our strong brands for kids. In many respects, our brand mix struggled during the platform transition but market growth this year should expand the audience for both kids and casual-gamer adults where we have previously enjoyed notable success."
3DO confirmed that the new GameCube Army Men title is a huge priority for the company, riding on the back of the success of the Nintendo 64 title Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes.