Halo 4 - The Flood Returns

It's not just a bad joke about the weather right now

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Come and get it
Come and get it
343 Industries is in the UK right now in the form of Brit (well, Scotsman) Frank O'Connor and wor Frankie has spilled the news of the return of The Flood to Halo in the fourth game in the series.

The Flood is nothing to do with the current conditions in the North of England, it's a parasitic race that its first appearance - infecting all who encountered them - all the way back in Combat Evolved (aka Halo 1) and they are so badass that other races have been known to top themselves rather than let The Flood go on.

The new Flood mode in Halo 4 enables up to 10 players in a horrifying game of chase or be killed. Two players start as infected and they have one aim: Infect Everybody else.

Sounds like great fun.

There are also two new UNSC vehicles: a troop carrier called Mammoth and a two legged, canon wielding bot.


JamesTheMountain 27 Sep 2012 11:41
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