343 Industries Discusses its Approach to Halo 5

Halo 4's not even finished yet!

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E3 2012
E3 2012
Yep, they're already talking about it. 343 Industries, in chatting to the Independent about Halo 4, went on a bit of a tangent and started offering its insight into Halo 5 and the rest of the planned 'second trilogy'.

Lead designer Scott Warner said that, with a franchise as big as Halo's, there's got to be careful consideration as to what needs to planned and what features to tackle. "There’s always kind of a careful balancing act between what you decide to improve upon. What you have that you think is really good, what’s the great mixture of that to put you in the best position to be successful as a team.

"But certainly as things go on in development we have an advantage in the sense that we can cross those streams a bit." One thing Warner's sure of, is that he wants to make Halo 5 as awesome as can be. "Yeah absolutely, that’s one of the great advantages of working at a place like Microsoft."

Source: Independent


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