Pickfords Get Amazing Response for New Indy Gaming Initiative

Magnetic Billiards makers the Pickfords want Indy devs to team up.

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Pickfords Get Amazing Response for New Indy Gaming Initiative
The Pickford Brothers have come up with an excellent idea to drive the entire Independent Games Development industry forward by doing something disruptive but obvious.

The chaps say that, "Veteran game designing duo John Pickford and Ste Pickford today issued a call for all 'indie' developers to promote each others' games, as they launched the first 'Games We Like' section on the Pickford Bros website."

You read that right, "'indie' developers to promote each others' games..." obvious but fantastically original.

We asked how and why? Ste Pickford responded:

"There's been an amazingly positive response from other developers this morning, after we announced our Games We Like page, with loads of indies tweeting that they're going to do something similar and promote other indie games.

"The idea that none of us are in competition, and we all benefit from helping each other, seems to have really struck a chord.

"I hope we start to see indies promoting each others' games as a regular thing, and that some of the great odd and usual games out there are the ones that get the extra exposure, rather than the obvious hits."

Enough of us making hits out of the idea, read the Pickford's take here.


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