Former comedian and now USA Democrat senator for the great state of Minnesota, Al Franken, is demanding that someone do something about Comcast and Microsoft Xbox apparent over-turning of net neutrality. When we say someone we mean the FCC.According to TGDaily, "Ever since the service went live, people have been questioning its implications on net neutrality. Comcast lets its existing cable subscribers stream unlimited amounts of video from the Xfinity app on Microsoft's gaming console.
" matter how much video content they consume, it won't be applied toward their monthly data allotment on their Comcast broadband subscription. In other words, it treats that online content differently than any other form of online content."
This is happening despite legislation that should stop it, or rather because of a loophole in that legislation that enables Comcast to use its own private IP network to act as a transport.
Senator Franken doesn't like this, he says in a letter to the FCC, "Even if this does not amount to a technical violation, it certainly raises serious questions about how Comcast will favor its own content and services to the detriment of its competitors...
"Comcast's actions will almost certainly drive consumers to Comcast's Xfinity Streampix, rather other Internet video streaming services, which I fear will thwart your agencies' efforts to create an open and level playing field for current and future competitors of Comcast."
We await the outcome...
TG Daily