Harmonix Unveils Rock Band Blitz for XBLA, PSN

Coming this summer.

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Harmonix Unveils Rock Band Blitz for XBLA, PSN
There's going to be a new Rock Band game! And you thought the music genre was dead and buried. Nope, Harmonix has seemingly survived the fallout and is continuing its line of rhythm action games. Rock Band Blitz won't be hitting store shelves though - it's heading for Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network.

In another change, the game will drop the use of plastic instrument-shaped peripherals and instead focus on frantic controller-based gameplay. You'll still be using the classic 'runway' system to time your button smashes, however.

20 new tracks are being prepared for the digitally distributed title, but Harmonix has revealed that almost the entire 3500-strong back catalogue of Rock Band songs is compatible, and Blitz's tracks will also be playable in Rock Band 3.

It reminds us all of Harmonix's first rhythm action series, Frequency. This is basically Frequency 3, isn't it? We're not complaining though - if anything, we're more excited than ever. Rock Band Blitz will be hitting XBLA and PSN this summer.

Source: G4TV


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