Naughty Dog: 'No Plans' for Vita Development

Never say never, though.

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Naughty Dog: 'No Plans' for Vita Development
Remember when Sony said yesterday that Naughty Dog "absolutely will" be developing games for the PlayStation Vita? Well, apparently that doesn't mean that it's doing anything right now - community boss Arne Meyer has said that it "has no plans."

"I won't say never, ever, but there's no plans for it right now - we've always felt that consoles play to our strengths as a studio the best," Meyer said in a GAF post.

"I hate to sound like a treading the line spin-meister here, but I’ve said that traditionally consoles have played to our strengths – and desires to push the utmost limit of resources and memory our tech and engine.

"That can change with the right handheld, as why I said I won’t ever say “never” but we hadn’t encountered that yet – that’s why Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier (on PSP) wasn’t an internal project for us."

So basically, the Guy Longsworth was right yesterday, and Naughty Dog is right today. The only thing that's wrong? The assumption that the studio is making something right now. Consider that rumour smashed, then.


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