Sony: "Undesirable" to Launch PS4 Later than the Competition

But can it keep up with Microsoft?

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Sony: "Undesirable" to Launch PS4 Later than the Competition
The Xbox 360 had over a year's headstart on the launch of the PlayStation 3, but you can bet that Sony will not let Microsoft get the lead when the next generation of consoles come around.

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss Jim Ryan revealed that launching "significantly later than the competition" in regards to the next Xbox and PlayStation 4 would be "undesirable."

Rumours on the PS4 have been thin on the ground, particularly in comparison to that of Microsoft's next generation console. Whispers are rife that a number of studios have already been playing around with development kits in preparation for a 2013 launch, and Microsoft is expected to announce its next system at E3 in 2012.

Ryan doesn't want you to be thinking about the PS4 though. Look over there! "There's still a lot of unfinished business on PS3. If you look at PlayStation 2, now in excess of 150m units installed globally, a huge majority of that was done at price points of £120 or lower. [With PS3] we've only just hit £199 in the UK, so clearly there's a considerable untapped part of the market there."

To be fair, Sony has been pretty good at keeping things under lock and key after consistently having its keynote announcements hampered by a string of embarrassing leaks. Surprising news of Zipper Interactive's Unit 13 and Evolution's Motorstorm RC for PlayStation Vita has gone some way to hinting that maybe the company has simply learnt how to control its information better.

Source: Eurogamer


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