Play with Day in New DLC For Dragon Age II

Mark of the Assassin shows BioWare's lighter side

Posted by Staff
Any excuse for a picture
Any excuse for a picture
Ever wanted to have Felicia Day at your control? Your chance has come, courtesy of the folks at BioWare, in the form of the newly announced DLC for Dragon Age II: Mark of the Assassin.

Available for 360, PS3 and PC on October 11th, it's the first time that players get to take control of Tallis, the character portrayed by Day in the web series Dragon Age: Redemption. Mark of the Assassin is a standalone section of the game where players must steal a jewel, "The Heart of the Many" from a nigh-on impregnable fortress surrounded by beasties and badness.

With more of an emphasis on stealthy gameplay, new environments to explore and monsters to sneakily stab, it certainly looks like it'll be a solid addition to the game and – dare we say it – actually comes across as fun. Check it out for yourself, for here's the trailer.

Source: Bioware Forums


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