PS3 Price Drop Prompts Sales Spike

Big advertising push still to come

Posted by Staff
PS3 Price Drop Prompts Sales Spike
According to a report from MCV, PS3 sales have seen a huge spike since the price cut last week.

The trade publication reports 'a reliable retail source' told it that PS3 hardware sales jumped by nearly 65 percent week-on-week following the price cut.

This comes ahead of a marketing push that gets into full swing today.

The 160GB PS3 got a price drop from £249 to £199, while the 320GB model got a similar cut to its RRP from £299 down to £249.


PaulRayment 22 Aug 2011 11:23
I wonder how much the cut in price of BluRay players has affected PS3 sales. I remember when it came out it was known as the cheapest and best way to get a BluRay player - now you can get them for under £100. I still think download is the way to go for HD content but it was a selling a point.
DrkStr 22 Aug 2011 12:19
So are we rediscovering marketing 101 here?

3DS drops in price and sales go up, PS3 drops in price and sales go up.

You know, it seems sorta like we should know this already.
Gplus 22 Aug 2011 21:23
hello gamer I have Google plus invite if you want one please go to
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