Skype and Xbox Integration Not in the Near Future

Will we see it on the current generation of hardware?

Posted by Staff
Skype and Xbox Integration Not in the Near Future
While Microsoft's purchase of Skype made integration of the service into Xbox Live a near-certainty, don't expect it too soon.

Speaking to VG247, EMEA Xbox Live product marketing manager Robin Burrowes said, “I don’t know about the near future, but given the recently of the acquisition, it’s something we know that the company is focused on."

He went on to state that Microsoft is “currently figuring out” how to bring Skype to Xbox Live, but that there's “nothing in the immediate future for Skype, but the future is rosy in terms of how we can integrate it.”

Whether we'll see Skype on this generation of hardware looks to be up for grabs.


PaulRayment 22 Aug 2011 11:02
Considering the Xbox is a computer, with a camera and microphone (thanks Kinect) I don't understand why this should be so hard - you can chat via MSN on it (does anyone?).

Anyone know anything about this that I don't?
SPInGSPOnG 22 Aug 2011 13:20
The issue here is what constitutes "near Future". I'm sure it's not timetabled yet. I'm equally sure it will happen, and quite soon.
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alexh2o 22 Aug 2011 13:58
@Paul.. Maybe "currently figuring out" should read "currently figuring out how to charge and monetise the service". i.e Free for all? Free for Gold members only? Free only to other Xboxes?
Ryan550 23 Aug 2011 01:43

Considering the story about BBC iplayer not being on Xbox Live due to the fact that Microsoft refuses to allow it to be "available to all" instead of "Gold subscribers" I would not doubt that this is Microsoft's plan when you say "currently figuring out how to charge and monetise the service"

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