'Flash in the Pan News': 15 Billion Downloads for 200 Million iOS Devices

Maybe Jack Tretton should look at those figures...

Posted by Staff
'Flash in the Pan News': 15 Billion Downloads for 200 Million iOS Devices
Given that 15 billion apps have been downloaded from the App Store by the more than 200 million iOS devices, could we expect SCEA president Jack Tretton to offer some sort of statement?

Apple has just declared the news, via a release that includes the following from Mark Rein, vice president and co-founder of Epic Games, “iPad provides us with an unparalleled mobile device for creating gorgeous, immersive games.

Infinity Blade has been a runaway hit with customers around the world and we couldn’t be more excited about our success on iOS devices.”

As for Mr Tretton, well, he pointed out a recently that nobody really wants poor quality 59p games.

Face... and palm?


irritant 7 Jul 2011 16:11
Listened to a presentation by Mark Rein recently. He seems to think the cost of games on iOS is going to gradually rise as customers start to appreciate those which have had a decent amount of work put into them compared to all the crud on the store.
originaljohn 7 Jul 2011 20:01
In reality though how many of the 15 billion downloads are actually 59p+. I'd say a fraction, the vast majority are free trial downloads. Apple always talk up their stats, when really if you look at it and think about it you realise they are talking out of their asses.
deleted 8 Jul 2011 19:41
Well, if we take the facebook, twitter, google maps etc etc etc its not all profits is it...
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