Infinity Ward: Warfare 3 Video Out - Some Leaks 'Accurate'

PR engine in motion

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Infinity Ward:  Warfare 3 Video Out - Some Leaks 'Accurate'
Infinity Ward's "Creative Strategist " Robert Bowling has spoken out on the leaks currently spurting out of Activision, retailers and related 'stakeholders' regarding Modern Warfare 3.

As is the order of the day for PR - unless you're Sony - Bowling, as @fourzerotwo, tweeted the following:

"A lot of hype & a lot of leaked info on #MW3, some still accurate, some not. To avoid spoiling the experience, I'd wait for the real reveal."

Meanwhile, the first of what is bound to be a deluge of videos for the game, which releases in November, has hit Youtube.

Source: Twitter


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