David Cage: You Don't Ask Hardcore Gamers about Love

Heavy Rain Didn't Reach All Of The Audience We Could Have

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David Cage: You Don't Ask Hardcore Gamers about Love
Heavy Rain creator David Cage has pointed out that "the theme of the game sounded quite cerebral: 'How far will you go to save someone you love?' It's not a question you ask hardcore gamers."

In an interview with CVG, he states that, "Heavy Rain didn't reach all of the audience we could have.

"Maybe that was because some people were reluctant to trust us regarding the QTE system. They thought: 'Oh my God, this is Dragon's Lair.'

"In fact, that's absolutely wrong and people who played through know that. At the same time, the theme of the game sounded quite cerebral: 'How far will you go to save someone you love?' It's not a question you ask hardcore gamers. We have to expand our audience but also reinforce what we believe in. We can do much more with this format of interactive drama."

His major bugbear is a valid one though, "It's incredible how people can become really angry and aggressive just because you tell them we can do more than first-person shooters,"

He continues with his point, "Look at Call Of Duty. How many copies does it sell every year? I'm fine with that. It's cool. I'm just saying that I'm not happy with an industry that is entirely limited to experiences where all you are doing is shooting. That's my problem. There is much more we can do with interactivity than just killing people."

So, what's he got to counter this?

"This is in discussion right now with Sony. "We'll see. I can't really answer anything on release dates. We are in production right now, so nothing will be coming out this year for sure."

Full interview here.


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