Valve Thinks PS3 Hacks are Irrelevant

Not a problem

Posted by Staff
Valve Thinks PS3 Hacks are Irrelevant
While fanboy factions are fighting it out as to whether Geohotz hacked PS3 encryption keys are the (a) making of (b) death of the console, Valve dismisses the whole thing as not particularly relevant.

Speaking to CVG, Valve man Chet Faliszek said that Valve itself would be "fine". As for Sony, well it's "bad" for them. However, "I mean, you know, no-one likes to see that but we have no concern, we're not worried about it for Portal (2) being on the PS3."

Just how worried is not worried? "I don't think it's going to have any impact at all."

Talk about being calm...


irritant 24 Jan 2011 16:09
I'm not aware of anyone having cracked Valve's security on their own digitally distributed games. Given that it's been suggested that PS3 owners will be effectively installing Steam on the system and be accessing their games by logging in to Steam, then it sounds like any other PS3 security breach will have no impact on Steam games. Hence why they won't be worried.
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