Microsoft Aims to 'Quadruple' Kinect Accuracy

Allow for tracking of fingers and wrists.

Posted by Staff
Microsoft Aims to 'Quadruple' Kinect Accuracy
Kinect's level of accuracy could be 'quadrupled' in a future downloadable update, allowing for the tracking of finger movement and hand rotation.

That's according to a recent report that suggests Microsoft is "hard at work" at improving the device. At the moment, the Xbox 360 motion-sensing camera can record data at a resolution of 320x240 at 30 frames per second, meaning a transfer rate of 15/16MB per second.

It is reported that the Kinect can actually send up to a potential 35MB per second, meaning a resolution of 640x480 with a higher level of accuracy is possible. At launch, the peripheral was said to be deliberately limited due to concerns about multiple USB devices.

Do you think such an improvement would allow for more engaging games on the Kinect platform? Let us know your thoughts, as always.


config 20 Dec 2010 11:47
"deliberately limited due to concerns about multiple USB devices"

USB2.0 can handle 480Mbits/s. With Kinect's potential max of 35MBytes/s that's just 280Mbits/s - is there really a chance that anything even close to being this "greedy" would be hooked up to a 360?

TBH, I'm not convinced a quadrupling of accuracy would be enough for tracking finger movement...
alexh2o 20 Dec 2010 17:47
Seeing how 'Project Natal' hardware was more advanced than Kinect - I'd hazard a guess that MS know the potentials and limitations of the hardware, and this update was planned long before release!

@config - As for the USB thing maybe its the HD DVD drive add-on that's the problem? I don't know then specifics but I'd definitely say a 1080p stream could be "greedy" enough?
config 20 Dec 2010 18:13
@alexhooren HD-DVD is apparently 35Mbits/s, so there should still be plenty of room.
TBH, that HD-DVD bandwidth make me suspect that Kinect's widely stated max of "35MB/sec" should actually have a little "B", which means there's bloody stacks of space on the USB2.0 bandwidth front. Maybe they're planning a Bluray drive, which would max out at about 55Mb/s
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