Mass Effect 3 Heading for 360, PC and PS3 Simultaneously

Cause and Effect.

Posted by Staff
Mass Effect 3 Heading for 360, PC and PS3 Simultaneously
Mass Effect 3! Mass Effect 3! Mass Effect 3! Alright, now that we've all calmed down, let's answer one of the most pressing questions on PS3 owners' minds. With Mass Effect 2 coming out for Sony's console in January, will BioWare be working on this new game alongside its Xbox 360 and PC counterparts?

The question was put to EA executive Patrick Buechner, and he indicated that the PS3 version will be releasing at the same time as other platforms. "Mass Effect 3 is coming to Xbox 360, PC and….. PS3!" he writes, with reckless disregard for fanboy flamewars.

If you've not already seen the trailer - that was teased last month to speculation of sequels, prequels and spinoffs - you can catch it below. Big Ben!


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